Greenville Area Retired Teachers & Employees
established March 21, 1973
Welcome to the Greenville Area Retired Teachers and Employees Chapter. Our site is: ​We are an active group of retirees who work tirelessly to improve our membership, our schools, and our communities in which we live. We welcome new members and their families who will support our goals and values. We are members of Texas Retired Teachers Association and we advocate for active and retired school employees. We work to collect books for surrounding schools, we provide scholarships to seniors who want to become educators. We travel to Region 10 for workshops and to Austin to meet with Legislators, when it's a legislative year. We meet on the second Thursday of the month at 1:30pm at W. Walworth-Harrison Library or at Webb Hill Country Club, and have interesting presentations of technology, health related programs from our local hospital, and invite our Legislators to our Legislative meeting in September. We stay connected within our local school communities to tutor or substitute in various capacities. ​We were recently honored by our Greenville School Board for our 50th Anniversary - which was March 21, 2023 - we received a yellow rose, which is our logo, and we gave each School Board Member a yellow rose of gratitude.
Officers for 2024-2025
President: Barbara Underwood
1st V. P/Membership: Susan Hammond
2nd V.P/Communication: Pat Smith
Secretary: Elizabeth Porter
Treasurer: Jill Baker
Legislative Committee: Pat Smith
Member Benefits: Sue Mudie
Retirement Education: Linda Folden
Technology/Historian: Pat Smith
Children's Book Project: Carol Petersen
Volunteer Hours: Carol Petersen
TRTF: Kathy Tharp
Sunshine Committee: Priscilla Adams/Ila Gilstrap